Watch Now: Tim Ferriss’ SXSWedu Opening Keynote [Video]

Wednesday's SXSWedu keynote speaker, Tim Ferriss, took the stage for a conversation with Charles Best (Founder and CEO of exploring his secrets of accelerated learning and mastery.

Tim Ferriss
The 4-Hour Workweek - Author, Entrepreneur & Angel Investor

in conversation with Charles Best - Founder & CEO

SXSWedu 2017 Wednesday Keynote: The Secrets of Accelerated Learning & Mastery
Want to become world-class in anything, or teach others to do the same? Tim Ferriss, author of “Tools of Titans” and “The 4-Hour Workweek,” has spent years interviewing and studying world-class performers—celebs, entrepreneurs, athletes, Special Ops commanders and more—to deconstruct accelerated learning. In this talk, moderated by Charles Best, Founder and CEO of, Ferriss will share frameworks and techniques that can help you take learning (and teaching) to the next level.

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Tim Ferriss and Charles Best, SXSWedu 2017 keynote, photo by Ziv Kruger.

By Jessica MacCall
