Wet Leg at Half Step – SXSW 2022 – Photo by Skyler Moore

Ready to Showcase at the SXSW 2023 Music Festival?

Apply now for the opportunity to perform March 13-18

Calling all musicians, near and far! Tune up your guitars, get your band together, and apply now for the opportunity to perform at the SXSW Music Festival, taking place from March 13-18, 2023 in Austin, TX.

Playing at one of Austin's famous music venues with industry professionals, international media members, new fans and fellow artists in the crowd is an experience like no other.

We encourage new, developing, and established artists to apply to showcase – every genre, signed or unsigned. Not only is it an opportunity to get your music in front of a global audience, it is also a chance to learn and connect.

Apply for an Official Showcase

Don't miss your chance to take the 2023 SXSW stage – apply before the final deadline of October 7, 2022 at 11:59pm PT.

Learn more about the application process on the Showcasing Artist Applications page and read through the Music Showcase FAQ.

Tips from the Music Fest Team

Be Thorough When Describing Current Developments – When we invite artists to showcase at SXSW, we want to make sure they're in a position to maximize their time here. To put it simply: there should be a reason for the artist to be here other than simply checking off a box. Really consider how SXSW fits in with your timeline and goals as an artist. Will you have new music to promote? Is SXSW going to be the kick off for a larger tour? Are you setting yourself up to advance your career in a meaningful way at SXSW?

Tell Us Where You Have Been Featured – One of the most important parts of your application is showing us where your music has been featured. It can be anything from playlists, blogs, magazines, TV, movies, or video games. It doesn't even need to be a Spotify editorial playlist either, user-curated playlists are just as important.

Show Your Strengths – Focus on adding emphasis on the sections of the application that reflect where you do your best. Be sure to take advantage of the "Artist Bio" field in the application – a thorough bio will make it much easier for the Music Festival team to get familiar with your music.

Get Inspired by SX Alumni

Turn up your application soundtrack. Listen to our Apple Music and Spotify playlists, and surf our YouTube Music Video playlist while you get your application together.

Apply Now


Join Us

Register to attend today to join us in Austin, TX from March 10-19 for music showcases, conference sessions, film and tv screenings, exhibitions, and beyond.

And if you really want to stay in the know, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Subscribe to event newsletters and check out SXSW News for the latest SX coverage.

(Teaser) Wet Leg at Half Step – SXSW 2022 – Photo by Skyler Moore; (Side Top-Bottom) Chai at 3TEN ACL Live – SXSW 2022 – Photo by Justin Zamudio and Sasami – SXSW 2022 – Photo by Raegan Labat

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