How to Be the Best You with Esther Perel, Brian Solis, Marie Kondo & More [Video]

Now that it's 2020, we're here to intervene early to make sure you have everything you need to stick to your New Years Resolutions because new year, new me and all that, right? Over the years, SXSW speakers – including Brian Solis, Susan Fowler, Michael Pollan and Tim Feriss, Esther Perel, and Marie Kondo – have shared their tips for becoming the best version of themselves. They've shared accounts of their own experiences as well as how listeners can translate their experience to enhance their own lives.
"The golden rule is this: If you want to change the other, start by changing yourself." – Esther Perel
Whether it's designing your life to 'spark joy', harnessing the power of telling personal stories, balancing your social media usage, or even how the science of psychedelics is teaching us to change our minds – our Be the Best You playlist will have something for you to help you stick with those New Years Resolutions.
Watch through the videos below and learn how to level up and get inspired to become the best version of yourself – and when you're done check out our recently announced programming for SXSW 2020 including Keynotes Whitney Wolfe Herd and Gayle King, and Featured Speakers M. Night Shyamalan, Troy Carter, and more.
Brian Solis | Break Free of Daily Digital Routines
Brian Solis spoke at SXSW 2019 debuting his new book Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive, and Happy Life. Created as a journey of self-discovery and growth, Lifescale is about getting back into balance and mastering our destinies. In this talk, Solis opens up about his life's journey, the lives of those he studied, and the path and ways they learned to grow and move forward. Together, everyone will see the importance of breaking-free from distractions, increasing focus and productivity, sparking meaningful creativity, and unlocking new possibilities.
Susan Fowler | The Power of a Story
In the era of social media, it often seems like our individual and collective attention spans are too short. But in the past two years, the things that have made the biggest changes in the world are long, personal, and serious stories. In this session, writer and software engineer Susan Fowler will discuss the power of telling personal stories in a fast-paced and inattentive world.
Michael Pollan and Tim Feriss | How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics
A renaissance is underway in the scientific study of psychedelics, both as a mode of therapy for mental illness and as a tool for understanding the mind. Tim Ferriss takes up these issues and more in a conversation with Michael Pollan, the author of How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence.
Esther Perel | Modern Love and Relationships
Relationships are going through a complex cultural shift. Expectations on intimate partnerships are at an all-time high, yet we lack the tools and resources to reach this new Olympus. Join iconic couples therapist Esther Perel as she shines a light on the state of modern love, the importance of erotic intelligence, and how listening to the stories of others helps us navigate our own relationships.
Taking relationship skills a step further and applying them to careers, Perel returned to SXSW 2019 to discuss the ever-evolving workplace during her talk, What Business Leaders Can Learn About Workplace Dynamics from Couples Therapy.
Marie Kondo | Design Your Life to Spark Joy
Marie Kondo (“KonMari”) is a Japanese organizing consultant, author, and visionary entrepreneur. She developed a revolutionary method of organizing known as the KonMari Method, which consists of gathering together everything you own, one category at a time, and then keeping only those things that "spark joy" – as well as choosing a dedicated place to store them. Going far beyond a typical “tidying how-to”, her method is a way of life and a state of mind that encourages you to cherish the things that bring you true joy – a refreshing alternative to today’s mass consumer society.
More Programming
Stay tuned for more Keynotes and Featured Speakers being announced next week. In the meantime, dive into the 2020 Schedule to further your journey to your best self.
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Join us for SXSW 2020 from March 13-22 in Austin, TX. Check out how to attend, plan your housing, and stay up to date on SXSW 2020 news by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Featured Image by Errich Petersen