By Hailey Hess



Streaming and Beyond at SXSW Music Track Sessions

Featured Session Heavenly Pop Hit - Photo by AmandaStronza

The streaming wars are in full effect but do we know who is winning? And for those who aren’t is there a place of refuge?

Artists, producers and streaming services alike need tools to navigate the new era of music and we are here to help. This year’s two music tracks – Creating & Monetizing Music and The Future of Music – include sessions that will analyze the current industry’s landscape and provide practical steps for success.

Are Streaming Giants Playing Favorites?

As a matter of fact, streaming services are playing favorites, surprisingly to the benefit of local artists. In our session How Streaming Can Save Indies from the Pop-EDM Onslaught panelists will discuss streaming’s ability to influence people’s diversity of listening and how this has impacted the rise of the local and indie artist in this new streaming era.

While local and indie artists are nurtured by algorithms driven by streaming subscriptions, do listeners also benefit? User Centric: Streaming Gentrification or Fairness introduces the current "streaming gentrification" model in which fans pay for music they don't listen to. The panel will question the "user centric" or "ethical pool" alternative to the status quo and invite audience participation to find a better solution, if there is one.

Beyond Streaming

Artists are not bound to monetization through streaming alone, and are branching out in creative new ways. In our Featured Session: The Music World Beyond Streaming President & CMO of WeTransfer, Damian Bradfield and Troy Carter, founder of Q&A, the Atom Factory and formerly Head of Creative Services at Spotify, will discuss modern brand and artist partnerships and other non traditional paths for musicians. With experience from working with artists such as Lady Gaga, John Legend, Lykke Li, and FKA twigs, the two will speak on the importance of artists’ individual stories and give brands guidance on how they can tell these.

One way artists and brands are partnering is via live events. New technology is bringing live event discovery to the forefront of music. Learn more during the session Supporting Artists Beyond the Stream featuring YouTube’s Sanjay Amin, Dan Armstrong from Ticketmaster, and Lindsey Colli from Facebook.

Explore The Music Tracks

Surf the SXSW Schedule for all sessions across our 22 tracks of Conference programming teed up for this March. And make sure to take note of badge access when registering to attend to make the most of your SX experience.

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Dive into 2019 Music Tracks

Featured Session Heavenly Pop Hit - Photo by Amanda Stronza

By Hailey Hess
