Cosmica/Hermoso Ruido/Viva Festival Showcase at Mohawk
Cosmica, Hermoso Ruido, & Viva Festival return to the 2018 SXSW Music Festival with up and coming artists from Latin America that are sure to impress. The showcase features genres varying from dream-pop to electro-tropical, and promises something for every music fan.
The showcase will feature Chicano dream-pop by Cuco, tender soul sounds from Jasper Bones, hypnotic indie psychedelics from The Marías, 80’s-inspired garage rock from Kitten, soulful electronic pop from Private School, and electro-tropical sounds from Elegante y La Imperia that will make you move more than bachata ever has.
This performance will take place at Mohawk’s Outdoor Stage on Friday, March 16. SXSW Platinum and Music badgeholders receive primary access to the event. Interactive Badges, Film Badges, and Music Festival Wristbands receive secondary access. This showcase will be open to ages 18+.
The Marías - Photo courtesy of the artist