Keynotes: Baratunde Thurston (, Amber Case (, Ray Kurzweil (Kurzweil Technologies) as interviewed by Lev Grossman (Time Magazine), Jennifer Pahlka (Code for America), Bruce Sterling (author) (Closing Remarks). Notable Speakers: Aneesh Chopra, Bing Gordon, Catharine Havasi (MIT Media Lab), Jane McGonigal, Eric Ries (Lean Startup), Alec Ross (US Department of State), Don Tapscott (author), Bob Vila, Jill Abramson (New York Times), Nick Denton (Gawker), Vic Gundotra (Google), George Friedman (Stratfor), Peter Diamandis (XPrize), Ayah Bdeir, Kevin Systrom (Instagram), Leslie Saxon (USC Division of Cadriovascular Medicine), Ben Silbermann (Pinterest)
By Ari Roth